Nevada Union High School Theatrical Dance presents two evening performances of Fall for Dance on Friday and Saturday, November 3rd & 4th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Don Baggett Theatre, located at 11761 Ridge Road, Grass Valley. This production features twenty-four original dances in a variety of styles, including modern, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and Caribbean fusion. The dances will be performed by advanced, intermediate, and beginning level dance students in the department, along with a few community members who participate in our community enrichment dance classes.
The show is two hours in length, including one fifteen minute intermission. There will be refreshments, flowers, DVDs, and dance apparel available for purchase in the lobby. There will also be a raffle of gift baskets in the lobby as a fundraiser for the dance department. Raffle winners will be announced during intermission of Saturday’s show (winners do not need to be present to win).
Tickets are $15, and all seating is reserved. Tickets can be purchased at (Note: online ticket sales will close at 9:00AM the morning of the performance to prepare the box office). Remaining tickets will be sold at the Box Office beginning at 5pm. Cash or check payable to Nevada Union Theatrical Dance only at the Box Office.