The Nevada Union High School Theatrical Dance Program offers education in a variety of genres and styles of dance to students and the community. Our program continues to hold a record of excellence in Nevada County and has won numerous awards throughout the years for its outstanding accomplishments in Theatrical and Cultural Dance styles. Professional dancers and choreographers are hired each year to provide a wide variety of dance styles to the students in all classes. Although these artists provide their services for nominal fees, the costs do add up. Not every dancer has the economic strength to keep their passion afloat. Since a very small amount of the dance department’s funds come from the school district, the continued success of the program and its students rests largely with the generous community.
Community Advertisements
We need your help! Our Dance Program is nonprofit and supported in large part by ticket sales and donations. Please consider being a community sponsor for our high school dance program for the 2024-2025 school year. Your advertisement would be a community-worthy tax deduction. Families can put in an ad to recognize a performer, or businesses can advertise their services/products.
Sponsorship Levels and Pricing:
Bronze Sponsorship: $100-$249
Silver Sponsorship: $250-$499
Gold Sponsorship: $500-$999
Platinum Sponsorship: $1000+
- Your advertisement will be featured in all of our 2024-2025 school year productions: Fall for Dance (November 14-16), Student Choreography Showcase (February 20-22), and Spring Dance Concert (May 1-3)
- Your advertisement will be included on our website and our social media pages.
- You will receive a Sponsor Certificate and signed thank you letter.
*Please supply your ad artwork in a .jpeg or .pdf format
How to Become a Sponsor:
You can mail a check payable to Nevada Union Theatrical Dance (N.U.T.D.):
Nevada Union High School
Attn: Dance Studio
11761 Ridge Road
Grass Valley, California 95945
Or you can drop off your donation to the dance studio or front office of the high school. Questions: Contact the Dance Department at (530) 273-4431 ext. 2103 or email Mrs. Wadman at
2024-2025 Sponsors
Platinum Level $1000+:
The Clarks – Style with Gen
The Emrichs – The Cabinet Company INC
Grant Wayman
Gold Level $500-$999:
Bozarth Construction
Hand Plumbing Inc
The Lattyaks – Élan Clinic
Mila Murphy
Silver Level $250-$499:
Streamline Construction
Bronze Level $100-$250:
Amy Bouck
The Buchter Family
The Deilys
The Gicker and McConnell Families
The LaMarcas
The Malaks
The Paulus Family
Peak Appraisal
The Prudhommes
The Renfrows
Slippery Slope Soap Company
Tara Kellermann Realty
Trailblazer Craft Pizza and Brews
Lindsay Weills, Realtor